Aerial Imagery
Professional aerial imagery services throughout the UK.
Professional Aerial Imagery Services
Our high tech professional aerial imagery drones are capable of obtaining the very highest quality results up to 5K resolution.
We provide custom solutions to meet our clients exacting requirements.
At Spectrum Drone Services we offer a full catalogue of aerial imagery solutions in multiple environments.
Operating in Confined Spaces
At our disposal we have 4K capable drones small enough to fly in confined spaces as small as 0.75m².
Dual Operator Operations
As standard we operate as a two person crew with a drone pilot and a dedicated camera operator. This allows each member of the team to concentrate on their individual task which means we deliver imagery not possible by a single operator drone. All our professional aerial imagery drones are dual operator.
Heavy Lift & Multi Camera Drones
Spectrum Drone Services operates heavy lift drones capable of carrying high end professional cameras. Our heavy lift drones can be configured to carry multiple cameras enabling us to get different perspectives from the same shot.
What’s the best drone to use?
The answer to that is there isn’t. There are many drones on the market and each has its own best features. We operate multiple types of drones so we can utilise each drones best features for the task.
Complex Environment Solutions
Spectrum Drone Services specialises in complex environment operations. We are experienced in operating drones in the most challenging situations. We work with our clients from initial concept and planning to execution. Health and safety is always paramount during all our drone operations with planning and risk assessments carried out before each production shoot.
Day & Night Operations
At Spectrum Drone Services we are very experienced in flying at night in multiple environments.
We are approved by the CAA to carry out drone operations by day and at night. This places us at the forefront for the 'full spectrum' of aerial imagery solutions.