UK CAA approved to operate all classes of SUA/SUSA

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Spectrum Drone Services is pleased to announce we are now authorised by the United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority to operate all Small Unmanned Aircraft and Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft.

With our ongoing mission to provide superior services and capabilities, our Permissions for Commercial Operations allow us to operate Multirotor and Fixed-wing drones in both the 0-7kg and 7-20kg weight categories. This enhanced drone capability places Spectrum Drone Services in the top 0.25% of UK drone operators for operational capability.

Spectrum Drone Services provides direct services and training to industry and the emergency services. Our client base is extensive as is our experience and drone capabilities. We supply drone services and training throughout the UK as well as to international clients.

 Contact us for more details about our drone services and training packages.

Russell Russell

CAA authorised supplier of fixed wing and multirotor drone services and training.