New UK drone regulations come into force 13th March 2019

Spectrum Drone Services Operations Manual Review Service

On 20 February 2019, the United Kingdom Government published an amendment to the UK Air Navigation Order 2016 (ANO) which contains its changes to the legislation regarding the operation of small unmanned aircraft that come into force from 13th March 2019.

Effective from 13th March 2019 (the 2019 amendment)

  • A revised limitation on the closest distance that small unmanned aircraft of any mass may be flown from specific types of aerodrome.

  • Changes to the dimensions of the ‘flight restriction zones’ associated with the new distance limitation from these ‘protected aerodromes’ and the introduction of new definitions in Schedule 1 in order to accommodate these changes.

Source: UK CAA CAP1763, published 20th February 2019.

For more information visit the CAA’s website.

Operations Manual Review Service


Spectrum Drone Services offer review services for all your CAA drone documentation ensuring you are up to date with any changes in regulations or policy.

We offer cost effective and rapid review services.

Contact us here for more information.

Russell Russell

CAA authorised supplier of fixed wing and multirotor drone services and training.