The CAA have updated the Air Navigation Order with effect from 30 July 2018 and they have introduced some new rules for drones.

On 30 May 2018, the United Kingdom Government published an amendment to the UK Air Navigation Order 2016 (ANO) which contains its changes to the legislation regarding the operation of small unmanned aircraft.

Some articles of the amendment come into force on 30 July 2018, but others take a further 16 months, coming into force on 30 November 2019.

Keep Your Operational Documents Up-to-Date

Spectrum Drone Services provides an Operations Manual review service to ensure all your CAA documentation is up-to-date with all the latest updates in CAA drone regulation and policy.

PfCO Renewal Review Service

Ensure all your documentation meets CAA requirements, refusals costs time, money and operational delays. Contact us for our rapid and cost efficient PfCO review service.

UAS OSC Volume 2 - Systems

Have you introduced a new drone to your operations? Spectrum Drone Services provides a technical authoring service to create the documentation for your new drone.

For more information on our services please visit us here.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


GDPR Compliance Statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a privacy and data protection regulation in the European Union (EU) came into force on the 25th May 2018.

Spectrum Drone Services places a high importance on information security and we have processes within our organisation to control and protect all personal information and data in accordance with the GDPR.

For more information on GDPR please visit the Information Commissioner's Office here.

TuffWing UAV Mapper European Reseller

Spectrum Drone Services has just received the latest production model of the TuffWing UAV Mapper from the USA.

Spectrum Drone Services is the European reseller of TuffWing drone products and we will be shortly offering the UAV Mapper ready-to-fly to your specifications.

The TuffWing UAV Mapper is a portable, customisable and affordable fixed-wing mapping solution which can be equipped with a variety of sensors.

To complement our fixed-wing UAV sales we provide a range of additional products and services including:

  • Flight training.
  • CAA PfCO fixed-wing flight assessments.
  • CAA fixed-wing application assistance.
  • Maintenance and service support.

For more information please visit our UAV Sales page.

TuffWing UAV Mapper Features

  • Re-designed motor position for more efficient cooling.
  • Incredibly durable airframe with low mass.
  • Multiple redundant safety features.
  • Removable wings for easy transportation.
  • FrSky, Futaba or Spektrum radio control systems.
  • Multiple flight controller options.
  • 433MHz or 915MHz telemetry.
  • Hand or bungee launch.
  • 40 minutes flight duration.
  • Sony, Cannon, RedEdge and Sequoia survey cameras.
  • Optional emergency ballistic parachute recovery system.

Contact us for more information on our products and services.

UK CAA approved to operate all classes of SUA/SUSA

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Spectrum Drone Services is pleased to announce we are now authorised by the United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority to operate all Small Unmanned Aircraft and Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft.

With our ongoing mission to provide superior services and capabilities, our Permissions for Commercial Operations allow us to operate Multirotor and Fixed-wing drones in both the 0-7kg and 7-20kg weight categories. This enhanced drone capability places Spectrum Drone Services in the top 0.25% of UK drone operators for operational capability.

Spectrum Drone Services provides direct services and training to industry and the emergency services. Our client base is extensive as is our experience and drone capabilities. We supply drone services and training throughout the UK as well as to international clients.

 Contact us for more details about our drone services and training packages.

Heavy Lift Drone Joins Spectrum Drone Services

Today at Spectrum Drone Services we successfully flew our second DJI Spreading Wings S900 multirotor drone further expanding our high-end, heavy lift drone capability. 

Our latest DJI S900 joins us in the training and support roles providing a 7-20kg multirotor drone for student training as well providing a backup to our primary DJI S900 drone.

Spectrum Drone Services DJI S900's are configured for duel pilot/cameraman operations operating multiple sensor packages.

Contact us for further details on our drone training packages and services.


UK law enforcement drone training program begins

Spectrum Drone Services have commenced a multi-stage program to deliver theoretical and practical CAA approved drone training and services to Cornwall, Devon & Dorset Police Alliance.

As a training provider to Commercial Drone Training. the UK's premier drone training school, Spectrum Drone Services is proud to deliver high-end training solutions to the UK's law enforcement.

The Cornwall, Devon & Dorset Police Alliance drone training program consolidates Spectrum Drone Services training portfolio joining other UK police forces and government agencies. 

Spectrum Drone Services provides:

  • Custom UK CAA drone training solutions
  • Fixed-wing & Multirotor drone services
  • Aerial inspections, mapping & surveys
  • Aerial cinematography & photography

Contact us now for more details.

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